Sagging Eyelids? You Might Need An Eyelid Lift

Eyelid Surgery Houston TXDo your eyelids sag or seem unusually baggy? If so, an eyelid lift can help improve your look and restore your confidence. An eyelid lift is also known as eyelid surgery or a blepharoplasty. An eyelid lift can remove excess skin from the upper eyelid and diminish baggy skin on the lower lids. Normally, an eyelid lift is done for cosmetic purposes, but it is also used for medical reasons as well. For instance, older patients choose to get an eyelid lift because excess skin can interfere with their vision. Read on to understand more about what an eyelid lift can do for you and what the procedure involves.

Do I have sagging eyelids or excess skin?

As the skin ages it slowly diminishes in elasticity. Without sufficient elasticity, gravity will pull at the skin and cause it to pool along the upper and lower eyelids. Extra skin can create unwanted wrinkles and bulges around the eyes and eyelids. Additional skin can fold and hang over the eyelashes, obscuring vision. If you are dealing with excess eyelid skin, an eyelid lift might be right for you.

Am I A Good Candidate for an Eyelid Lift?

If you have realistic goals about what eyelid surgery can do for you and you’re in decent health, you are an excellent candidate for the procedure. For some, baggy and sagging eyelids are genetic and can cause issues early on in life. Typically, patients choose to get an eyelid lift after the age of 35. An eyelid lift can drastically improve your look and boost your self confidence. It is important to remember that an eyelid lift wont completely alter your appearance or facial structure. Schedule a consultation and share your questions and concerns with your doctor.

Schedule a Consultation

If you deal with bulging or sagging eyelids, arrange a consultation with Cliento Facial Plastics today. We look forward to addressing your concerns or questions and are anxious to help you. You can contact our team at 346-330-2858 at our office located in Spring, Texas.