Improving the Contours of the Jaw and Chin with Augmentation Procedures

Dr. Ben Cilento of Spring, TX is a plastic surgeon who works with men and women to help them look and feel their best. With solutions such as chin augmentation, patients can improve not only their facial features but their profile appearance.

What is chin augmentation?

Thanks to continued medical improvements, Dr. Ben Cilento can provide patients with solutions for many areas of the face and body that are imperfect. For patients dealing with a sloping chin, double chin, or a rounded jaw, cosmetic solutions such as chin augmentation can make a dramatic different. Chin augmentation procedures often involve an implant that inserted in the front of the chin to make it more prominent. For patients who need to reduce the size of their chin, the chin augmentation procedure may include removal or reshaping of the jaw bone for a more aesthetic result. Chin augmentation can be performed on adult patients who want to improve their jaw line and chin appearance with cosmetic surgery.

Can other procedures help with augmenting the chin?

In addition to having chin implants placed, some patients may also choose to address excess fat around the neck at the same time. This is done by including liposuction of the jowl and neck area. Patients who have excess skin on the face and jowls that are causing fine lines and wrinkles can also ask our doctor about integrating a lower face lift procedure to tighten and firm the lower half of the face. During a consultation and initial evaluation with Dr. Ben Cilento, men and women can speak to a professional about the concerns they have with their appearance. Our team of providers can then make recommendations in regard to the best combination of treatments to achieve the desired results with plastic surgery.

Speak to Dr. Ben Cilento today regarding chin augmentation procedures

At Cilento Facial Plastics, we are pleased to accept new patients in the community of Spring, TX seeking medical and cosmetic surgery solutions for their face and body. Contact the practice at (346) 300-FACE today to learn more about chin augmentation and other enhancement procedures available for men and women.