3 Things You Need Know Before Your Face Lift Consultation

As we age, the face loses structure and gives way to drooping and sagging. Over time, the skin and bones both experience degeneration to the point that there is a visible loss of volume in the face. This is where a facelift can be beneficial. If you are interested in getting a facelift, the following points will help you prepare for your consultation with Dr. Cilento.

Know What a Facelift Is For

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a procedure used to alter the impact of aging in the neck, cheeks, and jowls region. A facelift is not merely one procedure. Facelift techniques include the standard SMAS Lift and the Deep-Plane Lift.

Consider If You Are a Good Candidate

Individuals in generally good health who don’t smoke, are in the best position to pursue a facelift procedure. Those in their 20s and 30s generally fight aging through the use of injectables or topical products. With the onset of our 40s, we may turn to a combination of reversing and preventive treatments and procedures. For patients beyond their 70s, general health and anti-aging goals will have an impact on what cosmetic procedure is best for you.

Understand What Your Results Will Be

Regardless of age, the purpose of a facelift is to reverse the signs of aging and make you appear naturally younger. Facelift incisions are done behind the ears, allowing for the minuscule cuts to be hidden. A facelift takes a few hours to finish and will take place in an outpatient facility or a hospital. After surgery, some patients choose to spend the night in the hospital.

Patients normally require about 2 weeks of downtime before they feel like returning to their day to day activities. The healing process can be uncomfortable, but you will be prescribed pain medication to ensure you feel relaxed.

Schedule your consultation

Now that you’ve had a chance to get a brief review of what a facelift involves, the next step is to schedule your consultation. During your consultation, Dr. Cilento will go into depth about how a facelift works and how your unique features can be enhanced to look younger. Call Cilento Facial Plastics today by contacting our office at 346-330-2858, located in Spring, Texas.